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Operation of the enterprise

Production enterprise includes one incubator system, 16 seed-growing and 4 growing farms. Purebred cocks and hens grown at the growing farm start to lay eggs after about 24-25 weeks.

Hen houses are provided with special apparatus and their temperature are controlled according to outside temperature. Coordination of temperature and humidity is one of the main functions in production. Proper temperature and humidity help to prevent gross loss of chicks. Hen houses are provided with automatic water supply system for hens, too.

Manufacturing equipment

Incubator system with perfect and modern apparatus of popular Belgian Petersime Company has powerful production capacity and can produce 25 million chicks in a year.

90% of eggs selected on the base of special test and put in incubator hatched. Incubator system consist of 42 chambers. Eggs produced daily are placed in those chambers regularly and healthy chicks hatched after 21 days.

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