Up to the present time, entrepreneurs with slogan “Chicken is one of the seven treasure” were buying broiler chicks that bring in a big revenue in short space of time for foreign currency. In order to eliminate this necessity, “Diyar gushy” economic society started its production at the farm complex built in the territory of Arkach farmers’ association of Kaka district of Ahal province at the beginning of 2020 as one of first entrepreneurs within the country.
There is one incubator system, 16 seed-growing and four growing farms at the enterprise that produce ROSS-308 broiler chicks, which are the most popular chicks in the world and it is provided with apparatus of countries such as Turkey and Belgium.
The Company can produce 25 million of broiler chicks in a year. It provides local entrepreneurs with chicks completely and allow continuing their works uninterruptedly.
The main problem of people, who does poultry breeding, is forage. “Diyar gushy” economic society overcame this problem and started production of special forage for hens at the factory built in the territory of the complex.
The Company set itself the task of exporting broiler chicks and high quality purebred eggs to neighboring countries after providing local markets completely working on the base of the program intended for production of products that substitute foreign products imported from abroad.